FlubuCore.CakePlugin - Cake 有很多实用插件(addins)。CakePlugin 插件允许你在 FlubuCore 中使用任何 Cake 插件(addins)。
FlubuCore.Azure - 本插件为 Azure CLI 增加了超过 2000 个生成的任务,任务都是从官方文档生成的。
FlubuCore.Diff - 本插件将 Diff 任务添加到 FlubuCore 流畅接口(fluent interface)内。Diff 任务会比较两个指定文件,并生成 HTML 格式的差异报告。
FlubuCore.Gitter - 本插件用于在指定的 Gitter room 内发送消息。
FlubuCore.Kubernetes - 未被实现。请结合 FlubuCore 使用 Kurernetes client。
FlubuCore.Npm - 本插件为 npm CLI 命令添加了大量任务。
FlubuCore.Octopus - 本插件为 octopus CLI 命令添加了大量任务。
FlubuCore.Slack - 本插件用于向 slack 频道(channels)发送消息。
FlubuCore.Chocolatey - Plugin adds tasks for numerous Chocolatey CLI commands. Chocolatey is a software management solution unlike anything else you've ever experienced on Windows. It focuses on simplicity, security, and scalability. You write a software deployment in PowerShell once for any software (not just installers), then you can deploy it everywhere you have Windows with any solution that can manage systems (configuration management, endpoint management, etc) and track and manage updates of that software over time.
[FlubuCore.Teams] (https://github.com/flubu-core/FlubuCore.TeamsPlugin) - Plugin adds task for sending messages to Microsoft teams via incoming web hook.